Minimally invasive surgery on The Strip

If you've been diagnosed with a condition that may require surgery, Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center delivers the most effective and least invasive available surgical treatments in the Greater Las Vegas area. With robot-assisted options, physicians have better maneuvering and precision than the human hand, ensuring safer operations and better patient outcomes.

To find a physician who performs robotic surgery at Sunrise Hospital, call (702) 961-5020.

Benefits of robotic surgery

With the diverse array of surgery options available at Sunrise Hospital, some surgeries require extra precision. This is where robotic surgery comes in. Developed with patient safety in mind, robotics allow surgeons to make small, dime-sized incisions to perform more complex and delicate procedures expertly. Robotic technology mimics a surgeon's movements, providing the identical eye-hand-instrument ability without any time delay.

There are many other benefits to robotic surgery for patients, including:

  • Reduction in postoperative pain
  • Fewer infections
  • Decreased blood loss
  • Faster recovery time
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Smaller scars

Robotic surgery risks

As with any surgery, there are always risks to consider, as robotic surgery is patient- and procedure-specific. While robotic surgery is deemed safe and effective, it may not be appropriate for every individual. Always ask your doctor about all treatment options, their risks and their benefits.

Robotic surgery procedures we perform

Advancements in robotics technology have allowed the expert surgeons at Sunrise Hospital to perform cutting-edge procedures that provide greater safety to our patients. Some of these particular specialties include the following:

Robotic hysterectomy surgery

If you seek treatment for fibroids, cancer or endometriosis, your doctor may recommend a hysterectomy, allowing the possibility for a robotic hysterectomy.

Robotic hysterectomies offer numerous benefits over traditional approaches to vaginal, laparoscopic or open abdominal hysterectomies, including the ability to dissect and remove lymph nodes during cancer operations. Also, robotic hysterectomies offer your surgeon better visualization, especially critical when working around delicate and confined structures like the bladder.

Better visualization affords a distinct advantage when performing complex surgery dealing with adhesions from prior pelvic surgery or non-localized cancer.

Robotic prostatectomy surgery

Robotic prostatectomy surgery is quickly becoming the preferred treatment for prostate removal in the early stages of prostate cancer.

If your doctor recommends prostate surgery, the cancer was likely caught early. With robotic prostatectomy, the likelihood of complete recovery without long-term side effects is better than conventional surgical methods. Robotic prostatectomies have become the most effective method of prostate surgery and can offer a faster return to normal activities.

Robotic gastric bypass surgery

Catering to patients with higher body mass indexes, Sunrise Hospital specializes in all forms of bariatric surgery. With new surgical innovations available, if your doctor has recommended surgery as a means of controlling your weight, you may be a candidate for a robotic gastric bypass.

With robotic gastric bypass, the use of a minimal number of small incisions offers potential patient outcomes more favorable than open or laparoscopic approaches. These positive outcomes result from robotics providing surgeons with the superior visualization, dexterity, control and ergonomics required for demanding operations of this kind.

Additional types of robotic surgery

While the surgical team at Sunrise has proficiencies across numerous robotic specialty surgeries, robotics are effective across a wide variety of other disciplines, including:

  • General
    • Cholecystectomy
    • Hernia repair
    • Gastrectomy
    • Lymph node excision
    • Lymphocele excision
  • Colorectal
    • Lower anterior resection
    • Colectomy
  • Surgical oncology
    • Hepatobiliary procedures
    • Radical tonsillectomy
    • Tongue base resection
  • Trans-oral surgery
    • Tongue base reduction for sleep apnea
  • Gynecology
    • Salpingo oophorectomy
  • Urology
    • Adrenalectomy
    • Cystectomy
    • Nephrectomy
    • Partial nephrectomy
    • Orchiectomy
    • Pyeloplasty
    • Renal cyst excision
    • Pediatric and adult ureteral reimplantation
    • Vaginal vault suspension